Wildlife Management


* Design of enclosure, cages for exhibition and breeding for mammals, birds, reptiles and amphibian.
* Design of preventive medical programmes including vaccination, antiparasitic treatments, hooves trimming.
* Design of capture and handling facilities.
* Assist in acquiring specimens for exhibition and breeding.
* Assist on specimen exchange programmes.
* Training on methods of capture and handling.
* Assist on acquisition of remote darting, capture nets
* Design of protocols for cleaning and disinfecting of facilities as part of a biosecurity protocol.
* Design and advise on diet, feeding and nutritional supplementation.

Falcon Medicine


* Design of clinical, surgical, hospital wards, isolation and quarantine facilities.
* Advise on clinical and surgical instruments and equipment acquisition.
* Advise on clinical diagnosis equipment acquisition.
* Advise on clinical diagnostic laboratory 
equipment acquisition.
* Training of veterinary personnel including clinicians and technicians on routine medical and nursing procedures commonly used in falcon medicine, through lectures and practical sessions including beak and talon trimming, feather repair, stomach tube placement, stomach flushing, nares and sinus flushing, bandaging.
* Training of clinicians on clinical diagnostic procedures including endoscopy and radiology.
* Training of clinicians on soft tissue surgery and orthopaedic surgery.
* Design of preventive medical programmes including vaccination, antiparasitic treatments, coping.
* Design of protocols for cleaning and disinfecting of facilities as part of a biosecurity protocol.
* Design and advise on diet, feeding and nutritional supplementation. 

Falcon Breeding


* Design of falcon breeding and holding chambers.
* Design of imprinted falcons chambers.
* Design of artificial incubation, hatching and rearing facilities.
* Advise of the acquisition of incubation hatching and rearing equipment.
* Advise of the acquisition of environmental monitoring equipment.
* Calibration on environmental monitoring equipment.
* Design of specific software to monitor egg weight loss during incubation.
* Design of specific artificial incubation, hatching and rearing protocols.
* Assisting in acquiring breeding stock from reliable sources.

Falcon Training


* Advise on acquisition of falcon training equipment including fixed wing aircrafts, drones, game launchers, and lures.
* Advise and design of falcon training methods and programmes.

Educational Support


* Lectures on subjects related to wildlife management in general including nutrition, translocation, capture, and preventive medicine programmes.
* Lectures on falcon medicine topics including anatomy, physiology, taxonomy, housing, nutrition and nutritional management, medical, nursing and cosmetic procedures, sedation and anaesthesia, clinical diagnosis including radiology and endoscopy, clinical laboratory diagnosis including haematology, cytology, blood chemistry and parasitology, soft tissue surgery, orthopaedic surgery, infectious, toxic and metabolic diseases, post-mortem examinations.
* Courses including theory and practical sessions on medical topics (see above).
* Writing and editing of scientific reports and papers.
* Presentation tutorial.
* Scientific research projects and studies tutorial.
* Clinical diagnostic laboratory assessment.



Email: info@samourfalconconsultancy.com